Tvo Tiltil

Can You Guess What Type Of Music Each Person Is Listening

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Colorful, invasive, slimy … With his little monsters, Andrew Rae envisions the smartphone as a portal between the virtual and the real, from which unknown life forms escape. To create his series entitled “Phone Buddies”, the London-based illustrator combined his talent with that of photographer Ruskin Kyle in order to anchor his creations in reality. The latter immortalized passers-by in the streets of London who kept their eyes glued to the screen of their smartphone, before Andrew Rae added his monsters to the images. Pop and colorful, their collaboration invites us to reflect on the link we have with our screens.

“Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat”

Colorful, invasive, slimy … With his little monsters, Andrew Rae envisions the smartphone as a portal between the virtual and the real, from which unknown life forms escape. To create his series entitled “Phone Buddies”, the London-based illustrator combined his talent with that of photographer Ruskin Kyle in order to anchor his creations in reality. The latter immortalized passers-by in the streets of London who kept their eyes glued to the screen of their smartphone, before Andrew Rae added his monsters to the images. Pop and colorful, their collaboration invites us to reflect on the link we have with our screens.

Colorful, invasive, slimy … With his little monsters, Andrew Rae envisions the smartphone as a portal between the virtual and the real, from which unknown life forms escape. To realize his series entitled “Phone Buddies”,

Unordered list

  • At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos.
  • Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.
  • Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio.

#Vertical image

Colorful, invasive, slimy … With his little monsters, Andrew Rae envisions the smartphone as a portal between the virtual and the real, from which unknown life forms escape. To realize his series entitled “Phone Buddies”,

Self hosted responsive video

Colorful, invasive, slimy … With his little monsters, Andrew Rae envisions the smartphone as a portal between the virtual and the real, from which unknown life forms escape. To create his series entitled “Phone Buddies”, the London-based illustrator combined his talent with that of photographer Ruskin Kyle in order to anchor his creations in reality. The latter immortalized passers-by in the streets of London who kept their eyes glued to the screen of their smartphone, before Andrew Rae added his monsters to the images. Pop and colorful, their collaboration invites us to reflect on the link we have with our screens.
